materi dan soal tentang benda-benda didalam kelas
Things in the Classroom
(Benda-benda didalam kelas)
Berikut ini adalah sekumpulan benda yang biasa kita temukan didalam kelas.
1. White board : Papan tulis (putih)
2. Blackboard : Papan tulis (hitam)
3. Duster : Penghapus
4. Broom : Sapu
5. Bucket : Ember
6. Mop : Alat pel
7. whiteboard marker : Spidol
8. Table cloth : Taplak Meja
9. Clock : Jam dinding
10. Chair : Kursi
11. Desk : Bangku
12. Map : Peta
13. Chalk : Kapur
14. Book case : Rak buku
15. Window : Jendela
16. Door : Pintu
17. Curtain : Tirai
18. Lamp : Lampu
19. Shoe rack : Rak sepatu
20. Napkin : Kain lap
21. Vase flower : Vas bunga
22. Dustbin : Tong sampah
Latihan Soal
Pilihlah Jawaban yang tepat untuk soal dibawah ini
1. What is this…
a. Mop
b. Bucket
c. Vase
d. Broom
2. The teacher writes on the blackboard with….
a. Duster
b. Whiteboard barker
c. Chalk
d. Crayon
3. The students look the time at…
a. Lamp
b. Clock
c. Map
d. Mop
4. The students put the shoes in…
a. Book case
b. Shoe rack
c. Table
d. Bag
5. What is this…
a. Chair
b. Desk
c. Book case
d. Door
6. Teacher : Budi, please open….The class is dark
Budi : Alright, Sir
a. Lamp
b. Curtain
c. Door
d. Window
7. The class so wet, so the students clean it with…
a. Broom
b. Mop
c. Bucket
d. Map
8. The classroom is so dirty and messy with the trash. The students clean it with…
a. Broom
b. Mop
c. Bucket
d. Map
9. To make the teacher’s table. The students put….and….on it
a. table cloth - chalk
b. napkin - vase flower
c. Curtain – bucket
d. table cloth- vase flower
10. The students should throw the rubbish into….
a. Bucket
b. Desk
c. Dustbin
d. Shoe rack
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