Materi dan soal ungkapan pemintaan maaf dalam Bahasa Inggris



Apology dalam bahasa indonesia adalah permintaan maaf. Sejak kecil pasti kita selalu diberitahu orang tua kita agar meminta maaf ketika melakukan kesalahan kepada orang lain. Maka expressing apology adalah sebuah pernyataan yang menyatakan ekspresi permintaan maaf. Mengapa meminta maaf itu penting? Meminta maaf penting karena itu berarti kita menyadari kesalahan kita dan ingin memperbaiki hubungan kita kepada orang tersebut. Dalam kata lain meminta maaf itu penting untuk mejaga silaturahmi antar manusia :) Baiklah tanpa basa basi lagi mari kita langsung saja simak expression apology (permintaan maaf) dalam bahasa inggris berikut ini.

Expressing Apology:

Sorry (maaf)

I'm so sorry (aku sangat minta maaf)

I'm terribly sorry (aku sangat minta maaf)

Sorry, It was my fault (maaf, itu semua salahku)

I'm really sorry (aku benar-benar minta maaf)

I do apologize for... (aku meminta maaf untuk...)

Please, forgive me for... (tolong maafkan aku untuk...)

Please, accept my apology (tolong terima permintaan maafku)

Pardon me for... (maafkan aku atas...)

I apologize for my attitude (aku meminta maaf untuk kelakuanku)

Sorry, please don't be mad at me (maaf, tolong jangan marah padaku)

Accepting Apology:

It's fine/ It's okay/ It's alright (tidak apa apa)

That's fine/ That's okay/ That's alright (tidak apa apa)

Forget it (lupakan saja)

Don't worry about it (jangan khawatir tentang itu)

It doesn't matter (itu bukan masalah)

Don't mention it (tidak apa apa)

Don't apologize (jangan meminta maaf)

Never mind (jangan dipikirkan)

Contoh Dialog tentang Expressing Apology:

Dialogue I

Toni : I am sorry for being late to work.

Jill : Where have you been?

Toni : My motorcycle broke down.

Jill    : That's too bad. I am sorry to hear that. Please try to fix it so that it doesn't happen   again.

Toni  : Yes, I'll work on it.

Jill  : Thank you, have a seat,please. 

Dialogue II

Teacher  : Azzam, you didn’t show me your home work.

Azzam    : I am sorry, Sir. I haven’t done it 

Teacher   : Oh, why?

Azzam     : I wasn’t well yesterday.

Teacher   : What was wrong with you?

Azzam     : I had a headache.

Teacher   : But you know, I saw you playing kite yesterday evening. Aren’t you telling a lie?

Azzam     : Extremely sorry, Sir. 

Teacher    : You are stubborn. Now you have to apologize!

Rohit        : Please excuse me, Sir. I now regret having told a lie. 

Teacher    : Good that you have realized.

Dialogue III

Rina : Yuli why you didn't come to my birthday party last night?

Yuli : I do apologize for it Rina, I really want to come to your party.

Rina : Then why you weren't just come?

Yuli : My mother is sick and I have to take care of her. 

Rina : Oh my goodness. I'm sorry I didn't know that, you've to tell me earlier.

Yuli : That's okay Rina.

Rina : I hope your mother would get better soon.

Rina : Thank you for your concern.


Answer the questions below by choosing the right answer between A, B, C, or D

1. Angga : Ouch, you  step my foot!

     Budi : …

    A. I’m sorry

    B. Thank you

    C. Good afternoon

    D. Hello

2. Andri   : Oh!  I am sorry,Mom. I broke the vase flower.

    Mother : …

    A. Thank you

    B. Never mind

    C. You’re welcome

    D. Go there

3. Maman : Give me an apology. I have lost your book.

    Wawan : …

    A. It’s Okay

    B. Don’t do that

    C. Take it

    D. Thanks

4. Kokom : Jim said that you lied to me.

    Ahmad : …

    A. Never mind

    B. No, thanks

    C. Forgive me

    D. It’s not true

5. Ranti : I’m sorry, I broke your ruler.

    Angga : ....

    A. Thank you

    B. Never mind

    C. Please excuse me

    D. You are welcome

6. Rono : I apologize for my mistake.

    Ami : ....

    A. Thank you

    B. My pleasure

    C. It doesn’t matter

    D. You are welcome

7. Riri : Mam, I’m sorry, I forgot to buy 1 kg of sugar as you requested.

    Mother : What? How could you forget? Oh, OK …..

    A. you’re welcome

    B. thank you

    C. my pleasure

    D. never mind

8. Sigit : I’m sorry for not calling you.

    Sri : ....

    A. That’s O K

    B. Anytime

    C. You’re welcome

    D. Sure

9. Bella : I’m sorry for not attending your party. My mother was sick.

    Zahra : ……………….

    A. That’s good

    B. That’s right

    C. That’s easy

    D. That’s fine

10. Agung : I am sorry for breaking your pencil.

      Andi : Okay ………..

    A. Never mind

    B. Never forget

    C. You are right

    D. It’s glad


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