Materi dan soal things in the dining room
Berikut ini kami tuliskan beberapa nama benda yang lazim kita temukan di dalam ruang makan.Tentunya benda-benda tersebut mempunyai fungsi tersendiri.
1. Plate : Piring
2. Bowl : Mangkuk
3. Fork : Garpu
4. Spoon : Sendok
5. Mug : Mug
6. Knife : Pisau
7. Glass : Gelas
8. Chair : Kursi
9. Table : Meja
10. Cup : Camgkir
11. Pot : Poci
12. Table cloth : Taplak meja
Latihan Soal
True or False: Betul atau salah.
Tulis kata True (T) kalau pernyataannya benar dan tulis False (F) kalau pernyataannya salah.
1. My mother serves the soup on the plate (T/F)
2. My father puts the fried rice on the plate (T/F)
3. My aunt cut the onion with spoon (T/F)
4. My family have lunch in the bedroom (T/F)
5. I hold the spoon with my right hand (T/F)
6. My grand father drink a pot of coffee (T/F)
7. We drink a glass of water (T/F)
8. My sister pour the water into the bowl (T/F)
My mother serves the soup on the plate (T)
BalasHapusMy mother serves the soup on the plate (T)