Things in the bathroom (Benda-benda didalam kamar mandi)
Berikut ini penulis akan tuliskan sekumpulan nama-nama benda yang terdapat didalam kamar mandi dalam Bahasa Inggris.Semua benda-benda ini mempunyai fungsi dan manfaat tersendiri.
Scoop : Gayung
Shower : Shower
Tub : Bak
Closet : Kloset
Mirror : Cermin
Sink : Wastafel
Tap : Keran
Soap : Sabun
Shampoo : Shampo
Tooth Brush : Sikat Gigi
Tooth Paste : Pasta gigi
Towel : Handuk
Sponge : Spon
Bucket : Ember
Latihan Soal:
Pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat
1. I take the water from the tub with…
a. Soap
b. Scoop
c. Tap
d. Bucket
2. To fill the tub with the water I turn the…
a. Shampoo
b. Tooth brush
c. Shower
d. Tap
3. I clean the tooth with….and…
a. Shampoo and tooth brush
b. Tooth brush and tooth paste
c. Soap and tooth paste
d. Tooth brush and soap
4. I wash the face in …
a. Mirror
b. Sink
c. Shower
d. Tub
5. I clean my body with…
a. Soap
b. Shampoo
c. Tooth brush
d. Towel
6. I dry my wet body with…
a. Soap
b. Shampoo
c. Tooth brush
d. Towel
7. I wash my hair with…
a. Soap
b. Shampoo
c. Tooth brush
d. Detergent
8. I soak my dirty clothes in…
a. tub
b. bucket
c. toilet
d. sink
9. I take a bath under…
a. tub
b. sink
c. shower
d. tap
10. I hang the mirror on…
a. tub
b. door
c. sink
I take the water from the tub with scoop