Materi Asking for Attention
Materi Bahasa Inggris tentang Asking
For Attention (Meminta Perhatian)
Asking for attention adalah
salah satu jenis ungkapan yang digunakan untuk menyatakan permintaan seseorang
kepada lawan bicaranya untuk memperhatikan dengan apa yang di sampaikan. Adapun
beberapa ungkapan yang tergolong sebagai asking for attention, antara lain:
- Excuse me!
(Permisi!) - Please, attention!
(Mohon, Perhatiannya!) - Give me attention please!
(Tolong beri saya perhatian!) - Can you give attention?
(Dapatkah kamu memberi perhatian?) - Listen to me for a moment, please!
(Tolong, Dengarkan aku sebentar!) - Attention, please!
(Dimohon perhatiannya!)
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh dialog percakapan
tentang asking attention yang diambil dari buku Bahasa Inggris SMP kelas VII
Dialog I
Teacher : Everybody.may I have your attention,please?
Students: Yes,Ma’am
Dialog II
Teacher : Attention,please!
Teachers : Yes,Ma’am
Dialog III
Mrs. Eni : Excuse me,Ma’am.What’s ‘attention’ in
Bahasa Indonesia?
Wati : Attention is /perhatian/
Dialog IV
Edo : Hey,guys.Are
you coming with me?
Lina :
Sure.Let’s go
Latihan soal Asking for attention
Plilihlah jawaban yang paling tepat dibawah ini!
Soal 1
These are ‘asking for attention’ expression, except:
a. Attention please?
b. Hello?
c. I suggest you to …
d. Are you ready to study?
Soal 2
Mr. Budi : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English?
Students : Yes, Ma’am
a. Do you understand
b. I think so
c. What do you think
d. Attention, please
Soal 3
Student : . . . . What is ‘attention’ in Bahasa Indonesia?
Mr. Budi: Attention is “perhatian”
a. sorry
b. yes, please
c. Excuse me
d. really
Soal 4
Mr. Edo : Attention, please! Are you ready to learn English now?
Student : Yes, Sir.
The underline word “Attention,
please!” above means…
a. Perhelatan
b. Perhatikan
c. Pelajarilah
d. Pastikanlah
Soal 5
: Can I have you attention, please!
a. Alright.
b. No, you can't.
c. I don't believe it.
d. Are you kidding?
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